Wednesday, August 17, 2016


 I wanted to share about Thieves. In our house we call it magic.  I am not sure how it works but it does. This was the first summer EVER Sam wasn't sick in his ENTIRE life. I asked Dr. Udell about 6 months ago about essential oils, he told me they have been used for thousands of years and couldn't hurt.  He also said there was some research done by famous doctors about the benefits of  essential oils. A friend I have that also teaches suggested I buy a started kit and try out all of the oils. I finally broke down and bought the kit this summer after Sam had been sick for what seemed like the 1000th time.

The first night I od’d Dan and Sam by putting 10 drops in the diffuser of thieves and turning it on in Sam’s closed room. BIG MISTAKE. Sam came out and said he had a headache so he wound up sleeping with me and Dan could not sleep in Sam’s room so he slept on the sofa.  The next day I texted my friend and asked her what I needed to do.  She replied and told me 1-2 drops for the diffuser to start but to maybe try putting it in a carrier oil and put it on Sam’s feet.  Sam did not have a sniffle, sneeze or cough once this summer. It may have had something to do with keeping him out of the cess pool indoor playgrounds we have gone to in the past but it is amazing.  We use it every night and put socks on his feet so he doesn’t slip.

Fast forward to our July visit with Dr. Udell.  I told him about how Sam had not gotten sick and how well he was doing.  He asked if I thought the Young Living was worth the cost. I explained that we have spent thousands upon thousands on trying to help Sam and this was just a small investment. I was thrilled it had worked so well. We talked about the famous doctors that did research on the oils and said maybe it was just good for Sam. The investment was about $170 for the starter kit all in, and technically I could sell it if I wanted to, with the start of school in Florida we have the kids getting sick again. I made two roller bottles of thieves ( with canola oil as a carrier) to give to co-workers with sick kids.  I swear by our magic.. 

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